Utvikling av havnekonsept som basis for reguleringsplan. Offentlig havn, forsyningsbase, verft, containerterminal og bulkterminal.
Etablering av 600 nye boenheter for vedlikeholdspersonell, for vedlikeholdsstopp ved Snøhvit Tog I, første gang i 2014.
The project consists of gas conditioning and gas compression facilities, and process support systems for the transport of gas to the European continent. The…
The onshore processing facilities cover approximately 35.000 m2. The plant produce 300.000 tonnes LNG daily for supplying to ships and tank lorries The gas…
Ormen Lange is the second largest gas field and the largest industrial project ever realized in Norway.
The SKANLED projects covers a submarine pipeline that will run from the Kårstø natural gas processing plant in western Norway, connected with the Europipe…