From the GET FIT Uganda project | Photo: Multiconsult
As Implementation Consultants for the Program in Zambia, Multiconsult managed the secretariat and provided comprehensive commercial, technical and administrative support in an effort to realize up to 200 MWs of small- to medium scale renewable projects.
Project Management | Economic/financial analysis | Hydropower | PV Solar | Power system | E&S | SIA/RAP | Legal
Following the success of the GET FiT program in Uganda, the German development bank KfW is now looking to tailor the program to the context of Zambia. Multiconsult was awarded the role of Implementation Consultant, a comprehensive role covering everything from policy and regulatory support to tender implementation and construction supervision. Multiconsult will staff and manage the GET FiT Secretariat in Zambia for up to six years.
As implementation consultant, Multiconsult will be responsible for the overall management and success of the program. This will involve a handover of tasks from the GET FiT Zambia Tender Agent and construction supervision of 100MW of Solar PV projects. It will also include the structuring of the procurement framework for 100MW of small-mid scale Hydro projects and, if feasible, the tender, appraisal and construction supervision of these as well.
In parallel, the program will oversee a Grid Integration facility and a Technical Assistance facility to support the successful development and integration of the renewable projects implemented under the program.
Finally, and as with GET FiT Uganda, the program will seek to manage and promote suitable financing products from relevant investors.