Get Fit Uganda

- Implementation Consultant

GET Fit Uganda | Photo: Multiconsult

The main objective of the GET FiT Programme was to assist East African nations in pursuing a climate resilient low-carbon development path. In Uganda, GET FiT has successfully ensured completion of 17 small-scale renewable energy generation projects with a total installed capacity of 160 MW.

Fornybar energi
Government of Uganda repr. by KfW
20 MW Solar PV | 160 MW Hydro

Project management | Economic/financial alalysis | Hydropower | Bioenergy | PV Solar | Power system | E&S | SIA/RAP | Legal


This will yield approximately 773 GWh of clean energy production per year and result in:

  • Emission reductions of roughly 10M tons of CO2 over 20-years
  • An increase in Uganda’s energy production by about 20%
  • Facilitating access to energy for around 200,000 additional households (approximately 1.2M people)
  • Leveraging of close to MEUR 400 in public and private investments
  • Local job creation during construction and operations. At the end of the programme, total job-creation has reached 14,000 full-time equivalent jobs.

2024 marks the conclusion of the programme. 2023 was in practice the final implementation year, and work in 2024 will primarily focus on ensuring a seamless handover to the authorities in Uganda and study and document valuable lessons learned throughout the 10 years implementation period – particularly related to hydrology, sedimentation basins and E&S management.

Scope of work

Multiconsult’s team is leading implementation of the program with a base in Uganda, providing services in management, engineering, environmental consulting, as well as both financial and legal advisory services. Implementation includes delivery of the following main services:

  • Appraisal and economic evaluation of all hydropower, solar and biomass projects applying for support
  • Running the program secretariat in Kampala, including
    – Implementation of TA facility for training of staff in the Energy Regulatory Authority (ERA)
    – Coordination with the World Bank for implementation of a Partial Risk Guarantee facility
    – Coordination with Commercial Banks to ensure their participation in financing of the projects
  • Semi-annual construction reviews of projects receiving support from the program
  • Managing grant and performance-based subsidy disbursements
  • Post-COD monitoring to ensure compliance with E&S requirements and satisfactory performance on behalf of the Government
  • Lessons learned studies following the Programme Implementation

Further, Multiconsult, in its role in managing the Secretariat, worked closely with the authorities and utilities regarding the grid upgrades required to effectively absorb the power to be provided by up to 20 different variable renewable energy projects. This has involved working with the utility in modelling and identifying constraints, estimating investment requirements and considering implementation arrangements.

Our services

  • Complete design and implementation of a two phase tender
  • Project appraisals and construction supervision
  • Capacity building and RIMS implementation
  • Grid modelling and recommendations
  • Program Marketing and annual monitoring and evaluation
  • Specialized E&S and engineering services